Vatican City State. 2012. View of St. Peter's square from the Apostolic Palace of Sixtus V.

Vatican City State. 2012. During a CCEE-SECAM Symposium, a delegation of Bishops from Africa and Europe celebrate the Holy Mass at St. Peter's Basilica. SECAM (Symposium of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar) and CCEE meet every second year, on rotation in Europe or in Africa. Their meetings are part of the activity of the Europe/Africa CCEE commission.

Albania, Tirana. 2011. During the CCEE Plenary Assembly the participant members visit the Presidential palace of the Republic of Albania. Visits to the State's representatives are normally scheduled. CCEE plenary assembly is held yearly, by rotation, in the country of origin of a member.

Austria. 2010. Traveling from Sankt Po?lten to Mariazell during a Pilgrimage of the CCEE Environment Commission. Mgr. Le?onard, archbishop of Mechelen-Bruxelles e Mgr. Massafra bishop of Scutari-Pult (Albania), lead the morning prayer.

Portugal, Lisbon. 2012. In occasion of the 3rd european catholic-orthodox forum promoted by the CCEE, bishops from the Greek Catholic Church during a guided tour to the Belem tower by the Tejo river. During each meeting a recreational activity is organized to entertain the participant members.

Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan. 2010. Before celebrating the Holy Mass at St. Paul Cathedral, CCEE and SECAM members pose for a group photo. First raw from right: Mgr Ake, Mgr Defois, Mgr Jordan. Second raw from right: Mgr Dos Santos, Mgr Afonso. Mgr Polak joining the group. SECAM (Symposium of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar) and CCEE meet every second year.

Switzerland, St.Gallen. 2012. Conference room, where the 41st CCEEs' plenary assembly is held. The assembly is held yearly. Depending on the allocated budget for each meetings, conferences are held either in luxury hotels' conference rooms either in local religious facilities.

Spain. Malaga. 2010. Seminary of Malaga St.Sebastian and St.Thomas. Eucharistic celebration in the seminary chapel during a CCEE meeting of the Migration Commission.

Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan. 2010. CCEE and SECAM members attend an official dinner at the Apostolic Nuncio's residence during a CCEE-SECAM meeting. SECAM (Symposium of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar) and CCEE meet every second year, on rotation in Europe or in Africa. Their meetings are part of the activity of the Europe/Africa CCEE commission.

Austria, Mariazell. 2010. Convivial celebration meal with the local community representatives closing a CCEE Environment Commission meeting. Mgr Le?onard, archbishop of Mechelen-Bruxelles, singing.

Croatia. Zagreb. 2010. Taking a break during the 40th CCEE Plenary Assembly session. The assembly ratifies the final balance and votes the forthcoming budget, relates about past actives of the CCEE and plans others to come. Every five years the assembly elects a president and two vice-presidents.

Vatican City State. 2012. A delegation of Bishops visit the Apostolic Palace of Sixtus V. Occasionally, a CCEE delegation is invited to attend a private audience with the Pope.
Задолго до выхода нашумевшего сериала "Молодой папа" фотограф Olivier Fermariello два года (с 2010 по 2012) снимал высокопоставленных лиц католической церкви в рамках ряда совещаний Совета епископских конференций Европы (CCEE), который координирует все конференции римских католических епископов в Европе. Фотографии были сделаны в Албании, Австрии, Хорватии, Венгрии, Кот-д'Ивуаре, Италии, Израиле, Португалии, Словакии, Испании, Швейцарии и Ватикане.